
17 January 2014

Do you want to kick-start your creativity but don’t know where to start?

Here are my top 10 tips:

  1. Visit your local gallery. View an exhibition that might be outside of your usual interest. Expand your creative horizon.
  2. Consider what type of creativity you would like to explore. Drawing, painting, print, sculpture, film making, photography, poetry.
  3. Browse an art supplies shop, fabric store or Pinterest!
  4. Take a class or workshop, there are also plenty online.
  5. Look all around you for inspiration – art is everywhere. Graffiti, sculpture, architecture, photography, posters.
  6. Go to the library. Explore art history and other artists, what inspires them? What are their techniques?
  7. Go for a walk. In the woods, to the beach. What do you see when you look deeper? Textures, colours, prints, feathers, shells, collect this information. Observe your environment.
  8. Cut up magazines with images and words that speak to you and make an inspiration board.
  9. Start a journal or art journal. You’ll find lots of freedom and no pressure. 
  10. Just start. The best thing you can do is to get going. Whatever creative pursuit interests you….dive in to it! 
Have any of these tips worked for you? Please feel free to share your creative kick-starter ideas below. 

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