
12 January 2014

CREATIVITY BECOMES YOU: A five part mini series

Did you know January is 'CREATIVITY' month?

International Creativity Month was founded by Randall Munson and is celebrated around the world every January. A month to remind us all to revel in and harness the power of creativity. What better time to do this than the first month of the year, when we are full of resolutions and goals for the year ahead. I firmly believe that creativity can help us get the results we want.

My goals this year are to be brave and send my creative self further out into the world and connect with other like minded creative souls. At the beginning of the this month I spent some time thinking about and reminding myself of what creativity means to me and this mini series 'CREATIVITY BECOMES YOU' emerged. Every Monday for the next five weeks I'll share with you a short post on how creativity wraps around my life.

How does creativity flow through your veins? What does it mean to you? Do you have any creative goals for January or the rest of this year? I'd love you to share your comments below and throughout the series.

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